One Room Challenge - Week 2: Maximize Kitchen Floor Space

It’s week 2 of the One Room Challenge and much of my week was very full so we needed to opt-in for a “quick & simple project with a big impact.” And I knew just the perfect thing!!

There is a large black cabinet in the kitchen that is about 18 inches deep, however it’s in the walking area behind the stools at the island. Since we have lived here that walkway has always been tight. Especially since the stools never seem to get pushed back in!

I have been thinking about removing the cabinet altogether, I just have never done it. One other knock at the piece is it is a massive clutter catcher! Some people have a junk drawer, well friends, I have a junk cabinet!

When we began - the cabinet was only held in with two screws. I haven’t painted yet so I’ll patch up the wall a bit and replace the trim.

Take a look at the difference!



Now I need to come up with what I want to do with that wall. I am thinking maybe a cutting board gallery, or maybe a small gallery of vintage art. I am still trying to figure it out!

If you’d like to see this mini-project unfold and follow along with the rest of the kitchen resurface, follow me on Instagram and catch up in the highlights @theshelbymiller.


ORC - Week 3: Demo the Old Backsplash


One Room Challenge - Week 1: THE KITCHEN RESURFACE